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Subject: Re: [office-accessibility] Exposing information about annotations
- From: Pete Brunet <>
- To: Malte Timmermann <Malte.Timmermann@Sun.COM>
- Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2008 17:38:26 -0600
Malte, These are implemented in Symphony
The first note is in the text "suddenly".
The IAText::text is "". IAHypertext
indicates a single hyperlink and IAHyperlink::anchorTarget returns an object
with IA2 role of NOTE and an accValue of "Annotation". IAComponent
is implemented to indicate the parent relative location of the yellow box.
I can't tell with my tooling but I assume MSAA IAccessible::get_accLocation
is also implemented on the NOTE object to provide the screen relative location
of the yellow box plus the width and height of the yellow box and IAComponent::foreground
is implemented to provide the color.
Pete Brunet
IBM Accessibility Architecture and Development
11501 Burnet Road, MS 9022E004, Austin, TX 78758
Voice: (512) 286-5485, Cell: (512) 689-4155
Ionosphere: WS4G
| Malte Timmermann <Malte.Timmermann@Sun.COM>
| 12/12/2008 11:52 AM
| [office-accessibility] Exposing information
about annotations
Sent by:
| Malte.Timmermann@Sun.COM |
Not sure if this is the appropriate group, or if asking
IA2/ATK people
would be better, but - we have Pete here, so he will forward to IA2 if
needed ;)
Attached is an ODF document with some annotations.
OOo 3 can nicely display these annotations on the screen, but it's
unclear how to best expose them to AT.
Annotations can contain one or more paragraphs, each with its own
Annotations can have different colors for the different authors.
If too many annotations are used on 1 page, some annotations are not
visible – see 2nd page.
Annotations can also be completely hidden – try Menu – View – Notes.
In ODF 1.0 and ODF 1.1 an annotation can only be at certain position in
the text. In ODF 1.2 an annotation can annotate an arbitrary part of the
document's content – see approved ODF 1.2 proposal found at
- They look like objects. Should they be exposed like shapes in a
drawing? When they couldn't have formatted text, I maybe would have
suggested to simply expose them as an attribute, but that also wouldn't
tell the user that there are objects on the screen showing them...
- With ODF 1.2 they can be bound to a range starting in one paragraph,
ending in an other - how to expose this relation?
- When turned off, there is nothing visible, so I guess nothing has to
be exposed.
Any thoughts?
[attachment "Annotations-Accessibility.odt" deleted by Pete Brunet/Austin/IBM]
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