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Subject: Re: [office-formula] Rob Weir's article on Microsoft XML date problems

Hi David,

On Tuesday, 2006-10-17 18:35:55 -0400, David A. Wheeler wrote:

> Excel thinks that 1900 was a leap year
> OpenFormula avoids this.
> We do NOT require that implementations get 1900 WRONG.

Btw, this is the reason why the "usual" null-date in OOoCalc is
1899-12-30 instead of 1899-12-31 as in Excel, being able to both
correctly handle 1900 as a leap year and to get correct dates from
1900-03-01 on, with the consequence that all dates between 1900-01-01
and 1900-02-28 when calculated from serial date values differ by one day
between Excel and OOoCalc.

Should we add this quirk to the notes of section "4.2.2 Date and DateTime"?


Automatic string conversions considered dangerous. They are the GOTO statements
of spreadsheets.  --Robert Weir on the OpenDocument formula subcommitee's list.

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