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Subject: Re: [office] RE: Directories in Zip packages

On 27.09.2010 16:57, Bob Jolliffe wrote:
AANLkTi=9A9ODyMhQ-M49m7eTxSA9h5w2jx3EhcD41KnG@mail.gmail.com" type="cite">

So I would say that an odf producer should only produce entries in the
zipfile for non-zero-length streams (this would by default also
excludes directories).  And that each of these shall be referenced in
a full document signature.
May I remind the TC, that from the perspective of the package (ODF 1.2 part 3 - which can be seen as the base layer of ODF 1.2) an entity called a document is defined by a directory related with a media type (in the manifest.xml).

In general I believe when a generic functionality does not hurt, it should not be forbidden nor dropped as other yet unknown user scenarios might rely on it.



Svante Schubert | ODF Standardization
Phone: +49 40 23646 965
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