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Subject: ODF TC Teleconference Agenda - 4 May 2020


Below you find a draft agenda for our TC call on Monday, 2020-05-04

Time of meeting:


The call counts towards voter eligibility.

Teleconference Numbers

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Germany - +49 30 255550324

Hungary - +36 1 987 6874

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USA - +1 712 770 5505

Access code (for all numbers): 438-387

Chat room for meeting is at: http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/odf

Please send comments to the mailing list.


1. Dial-In, Roll Call, Determination of Quorum and Voting Rights

2. Motion (simple majority): Approve the Agenda

3. Motion (simple majority): Approve minutes of 27 April 2020 (below)

4. ODF Later issues (Preference to current TC members and cycling
through their issues so no one is on the spot for all of them in a
meeting), btw, limiting the search to open/deferred issues counts 134:

5. Issues 

a. QNAME error in manifest schema Michael Stahl) https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/office/email/archives/202004/msg00016.html

Now reads (incorrect)

<rng:data type="QName">
      <rng:param name="pattern">[^:]:[^:]</rng:param>

Should read:

<rng:data type="QName">
      <rng:param name="pattern">[^:]:[^:]+</rng:param>

Michael notes this is correct in the document schema but not here. I'll try to check with Chet before our meeting on correcting as editing error.

b. 4.7 Empty Cell terminology

Discussion since our last meeting:

Proposal by Regina Henschel:


Response by Andreas Guelzow: 


Response by Regina Henschel:


Responses by Andreas Guelzow:



6. Adjournment


Minutes 27 April 2020 
Patrick: Quorum - yes
Patrick: Agenda - approved by consent
Patrick: Minutes 20 April 2020 - approved by consent
Patrick: 4.7 Empty Cell terminlogy
Patrick: Regina - empty cell - can have content that is not considered
for calculations
Patrick: Regina - don't say empty cell in general but say empty cell
when referenced by a formula
Patrick: Regina - can use whether office:value-type exists, if not, is
empty for purposes of calculations
Patrick: Andreas - tricky b/c don't use value types - know when cell is
Patrick: 12 in my example - was representation of the 12
Patrick: Andreas - value type might be the right thing to do
Patrick: value type void - means we don't have a value
Patrick: void should be the behavior if the value type is not specified
at all
Patrick: Regina says void not listed in the schema -
Patrick: Francis - is there a function to return the type of a cell?
Patrick: (void has no attribute in Table 14) as as if attribute is missing)
Patrick: TYPE - returns number for type of value number, text, logical,
error, array in 6.13.33
Patrick: in table 14 - boolean, currency, dat, float, percentage,
string, time, void -
Regina Henschel: CELL has "b" (blank), "l" (label or text), "v" (number)
Patrick: Francis - will empty be an emergent property based upon others
being false?
Patrick: Francis - if using office:value-type - would need to make sure
it works
Patrick: Rich - would need to run it by internal contacts before stating
an opinion
Patrick: A cell is an empty cell when referenced by a formula and the
referenced cell has no office:value-type attribute.
Patrick: Blank would have an office:value-type attribute but no content
Patrick: Regina - when referenced in a formula - and no
office:value-type - empty
Patrick: Contextual use of "empty" - at least one is in the context of a
formula referencing a cell - it looks for the office:value-type - Not
defining "empty" in other contexts or usage
Patrick: Francis - use special typography for "empty cell" in this
context (from Regina)
Patrick: Alfred - will ask internal sources at MS if this is clear, etc.
Patrick: adjourned

Hope everyone is at the start of a great week!


Patrick Durusau
Technical Advisory Board, OASIS (TAB)
Editor, OpenDocument Format TC (OASIS), Project Editor ISO/IEC 26300
Co-Editor, ISO/IEC 13250-1, 13250-5 (Topic Maps)

Another Word For It (blog): http://tm.durusau.net
Homepage: http://www.durusau.net
Twitter: patrickDurusau 

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