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Subject: RE: [oic] Testing Approach Decision #1: What Classes of Products Are To BeTested?

"Hanssens Bart" <Bart.Hanssens@fedict.be> wrote on 01/23/2009 02:56:40 AM:

> Rob wrote:
> > And perhaps we do make that distinction in the interoperability test
> > cases.  But I don't think we have a basis, in the standard, at least 
> > in ODF 1.1, to make that distinction in conformance tests.
> Uhm, maybe I have it completely wrong here but wouldn't this be were
> profiles etc kick in ?
> So you would have something like:
> "Spreadsheet" profile supporting "Metadata"-module and "Table"-module
> and "Chart"-module etc up to a certain level ?

If we were writing the standard in this TC from scratch, we might take a 
layered approach.  So you have the core products: ODF documents, ODF 
consumers, ODF producers.  Then you have modules, like a text module, a 
graphics module, a chart module, a math module, a formula module, etc. 
Then on top of that you create profiles, so a spreadsheet consumer is a 
profile comprised of the table + formula + chart modules, with certain 
specified interactions and constraints.  Similarly, the W3C defined a 
profile of XHTML+SVG+MathML.

However, ODF 1.1 did not formally define modules.  It would be good to do, 
but would require some refactoring of the schema.  Maybe this could be a 
recommendation of this TC?


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