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Subject: RE: [oic] Test Assertions - Latest Set

Title: RE: [oic] Test Assertions - Latest Set

Hi Dennis,

thanks for the remarks.

> For example, the assertion is worded about what an implementation must do,
> as a requirement, but there is no such language in the Metadata section on
> implementations.

True, I'm still leaning too much to test cases and product interoperability,
as opposed to the exact wording of the spec.

> I suspect that the metadata section is mostly about the document, not a
> consumer, generator, or processor.

Mm, not sure... For example print date, there's some behavior involved as
well, or the part about user-defined metadata. But as you mentioned in another
mail, those (document and implementation behavior) might be different targets.

Anyway, I won't be updating the test assertions for, say, the next 10 days
so we can shoot at it (and it's easier to hit a non-moving target ;-)

Perhaps the remarks could be tracked on a wiki page ? Initially I was
thinking about Jira, but people will probably get annoyed by the commit

Best regards,


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