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Subject: Fwd: [sc-election] SC Election Nomination for Wesley Coelho

Congratulations Wesley,

You've completed the requirements to be considered a candidate for election to the OSLC Steering Committee.

Attached is your candidate statement provided to help potential voters know your interests and qualifications. 

Thanks for your offer of service to the OSLC community.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Wesley Coelho <wesley.coelho@tasktop.com>
Date: Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 8:38 PM
Subject: [sc-election] SC Election Nomination for Wesley Coelho
To: sc-election@oasis-open.org

Dear Steering Committee Elections,

Please take this email as a formal request to nominate myself to the OSLC Steering committee. Please find attached an introduction and description of what I can bring to the committee along with a brief bio. 

I appreciate the opportunity to be considered for a position on the steering committee. Please let me know if you have any questions or if there is any further information I can provide to support my nomination.

Best regards,

Wesley Coelho

Wesley Coelho | Sr. Director, Business Development | Tasktop Technologies 
778.588.6896 x112 | email: wesley.coelho@tasktop.com

Scott McGrath

Tel +1 781-425-5073 x202
Fax +1 781-425-5072

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Attachment: OSLC Position Statement for Wesley Coelho.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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