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regrep-cooperating message

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Subject: [regrep-cooperating] Federated Protocol Profile and Federated ProtocolAgreement


I have always thought that ebXML Registries would operate like LDAP
Directories. LDAP Directories use Replication Agreements to store the roles
of each LDAP Directory.  ebXML Federated Registries could use a similar
concept to store information that defines the relationships between ebXML
Registries. This at its simplest would define the members in a ebXML
Federated Registry Arrangement.  More complex relations/profiles could be
defined later that would include Accounting procedures and/or SLA

I think that these profiles should be called Federated Protocol Profiles.
These profiles could be based in part on the Collaboration Protocol Profile.
They would define the services that each registry would perform. As the
CPP/A spec and auto-negotiation matures, the FPP and FPA could provide a
very potent mechanism for managing Federated ebXML Registries.


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