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Subject: RE: [regrep-cooperating] Kickoff of federated registries work itemforV3

Matt and Nikola:

IMHO, the only way to stay relevant in companies of any size is to help them
deliver "new" value to their investors.  Further, I would prefer to think of
the ebXML standards develop process as a community of technologists
dedicated to the advancement of internet based commerce instead of as an
"Institution" and all that entails. My experience has been that "Technology
Institutions" that take on a bunker mentality toward technology advancement
don't stay relevant very long.

Anecdote: During the browser wars, the w3c owned the "standards" for web
browsers but Netscape and Microsoft took the lead and became defacto
standards bodies because the w3c could not or would not move fast enough
into new areas.  I would hate to see the ebXML community suffer the same

-----Original Message-----
From: Nikola [mailto:nikola.stojanovic@acm.org]
Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2002 11:11 AM
To: regrep-cooperating@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Re: [regrep-cooperating] Kickoff of federated registries work

ebXML Registry has to support the other ebXML technologies first and
foremost, so that the ebXML institution keeps the lead in large enterprise.



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