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Subject: [relax-ng-comment] help with validating IDREFs


First let say thanks to those who helped me with the recursive inclusion
problem. I should have found that myself :(

I have read the tutorial, now, and also the DTD compatibility guidlines, but
could not find the answer to my question. I am new to Schemas (and DTDs for that
matter). I have been using XSL to validate the problem I am presenting below,
but I was wondering if there is some way to do what I want with relaxng. I am
using the Jing task to validate the documents.

Let's say I have a source XML like:

  <p>This is a link to a different <link page-idref="p123456">page</link>. This
is a link to a different <link content-idref="c12345">content piece</link>.</p>

- I keep a project/site structure that has the pages (and folders) identified in
one XML config file.
--- The folders and pages can include individual content pieces one or more
- I keep the content pieces identified in another XML config file.

Is there some way to validate the content piece's IDREFs against the two
separate config files?

Thanks again for your help,

p.s. Is there a better place to ask these basic questions?

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