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Subject: TREX telcon 31 May 2001

(I will be at an XSL WG F2F for the first half of next week, and I'm not
sure I will have email access, so I am sending this out early.)

The next TREX telcon will take place at 10:30am EDT on Thursday 31st May.
The dial-in numbers are:

800 851 1769 (US callers)
775 324 0362 (International)

Participant code: 597197


Since we are close to being able to put out the tutorial, I want to focus
this week on issues that are relevant to the tutorial.

1. <list> instead of <oneOrMoreTokens>/<zeroOrMoreTokens>

2. splitInclude issue.  With grammar-level includes allowing define/start
children, I think it essential that the grammar-level include and
pattern-level include use different names.  I've proposed renaming the
pattern-level include to "externalRef".

3. Choice of namespace URI

(a) urn:oasis:... or http://something/...
(b) if http://something should something be relaxng.org or relax-ng.org or
something else
(c) we may be putting out multiple specs, so we need a name to distinguish
the main RELAX NG namespace from other names spaces.  Possibilities include
"main", "structure", "lang".
(d) versioning: how should different versions be distinguished.  W3C's
current policy is year+month before REC stage, and year along at REC stage.
Do we want year/month or m.n style names?  If m.n what should m and n be?

We may not be able to decide this finally.  But at least we need to decide
what namespace URI to use in the tutorial.

4. Use of QNames
(a) For identifying datatypes
(b) For element and attribute names
(c) For <value>s of type QName

5. Name of "grammar" element.


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