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relax-ng message

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Subject: Re: Test suite for RELAX NG DTD compatibility spec.

> I don't think it's any harder than if you made the test suite be a 
> collection of files. You can split up the test suite into a collection of 

I'm running tests directly without splitting up the test suite. That's
where the implementation becomes costly.

> I really need resources.  <include> in particular is one of the more 
> complex parts of RELAX NG and testing <include> needs <resource>.

Right. OK, then I guess I don't have any choice but to have <dir> and

> I have an XSL 
> stylesheet that splits things up using naming conventions to distinguish 
> correct/incorrect schemas and valid/invalid instances

Is there any plan to release that stylesheet?

Kohsuke KAWAGUCHI                          +1 650 786 0721
Sun Microsystems                   kohsuke.kawaguchi@sun.com

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