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Subject: Re: [relax-ng] Let's have a meeting


If VoIP is not convenient for you, could you setup a phone conference?

> I assume you mean 11:00a EST (08:00a PST, 16:00GMT, 17:00CET,
> 01:00JST+, 09:30p India) on 16 *Nov* not 16 June :-)

Sorry!  Yes, you are right.

> I propose that, if we haven't adopted a rule that allows us to make
> motions by email, we do that too.

I do not remember if we have adopted that rule.  Anyway, I think 
that a meeting helps now.  We can also confirm this rule.


MURATA Makoto (FAMILY Given) <EB2M-MRT@asahi-net.or.jp>

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