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Subject: Groups - Weekly SCA-BPEL telcon modified
Weekly SCA-BPEL telcon has been modified by Dr. Anish Karmarkar Date: Thursday, 27 August 2009 Time: 08:00am - 09:00am PT Event Description: Dial-in: 18666824770 +14087744073 +44(0)2081181001 +49(0)69222216106 +353(0)12475650 Meeting ID: 6100473 Meeting password: SCABPEL (7222735) Web-conf: http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/sca-bpel-TC Agenda: 1. Roll Call http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/sca-bpel/members/roster.php 2. Appointment of scribe Scribe list attached below 3. Agenda bashing 4. Approval of Aug 20, 2009 minutes http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bpel/200908/msg00030.html 5. Action Items review #0103 create alternate proposal for Issue 52 -- Najeeb PENDING #0104 send new proposal for issue 41 -- Anish PENDING 6. New Issues NONE 7. Issue Discussion 7 open issues a) Issue 52 CT generation (section 2.1.1) does not take into consideration the multRefFrom attribute http://osoa.org/jira/browse/BPEL-52 Initial proposal: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bpel/200907/msg00037.html Addendum to the proposal: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bpel/200908/msg00014.html Latest proposal: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bpel/200908/msg00035.html Awating alternate proposal from Najeeb b) Issue 41 SBPEL2022 has an incorrect 'MAY' and is not applied recursively http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/BPEL-41 Email discussion - http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bpel/200905/msg00035.html http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bpel/200905/msg00041.html http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bpel/200905/msg00044.html Proposal: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bpel/200908/msg00011.html Proposal v2: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bpel/200908/msg00036.html Awaiting proposal v3 from Anish c) Issue 53 BPEL Process: References with Multiplicity 0..1 - how are they supposed to work? http://osoa.org/jira/browse/BPEL-53 Proposal: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bpel/200908/msg00021.html d) Issue 54 sca-bpel:multiReference/@partnerLinkType and sca-bpel:multiReference/@partnerRole cardinality http://osoa.org/jira/browse/BPEL-54 Proposal: in Jira e) Issue 55 Co-occurrence constraints on sca-bpel:property attribute and sca-bpel:multiReference element http://osoa.org/jira/browse/BPEL-55 Proposal: in Jira f) Issue 46 SBPEL3006 isn't deterministic http://osoa.org/jira/browse/BPEL-46 no proposal g) Issue 50 Need more examples in the specification http://osoa.org/jira/browse/BPEL-50 no proposal 8. AOB ----------------------------------------- Scribe list: * van der Rijn, Danny (Last scribe: 5/7/9): 10 * Koenig, Mr Dieter (Last scribed: 6/25/09): 11 * Andrabi, Mr. Najeeb (Last scribed: 2009-07-16): 10 * Kand, Khanderao (Last scribed: 2009-07-23): 6 * Rowley, Mr Michael (Last scribed: 2009-08-06): 7 * Chapman, Dr Martin (Last scribed: 8/13/09): 9 * Malhotra, Mr Ashok (Last scribed: 2009-08-20): 12 Minutes: This event is one in a list of recurring events. Other event dates in this series: Thursday, 09 October 2008, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 16 October 2008, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 23 October 2008, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 30 October 2008, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 06 November 2008, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 13 November 2008, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 20 November 2008, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 27 November 2008, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 04 December 2008, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 11 December 2008, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 18 December 2008, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 25 December 2008, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 01 January 2009, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 08 January 2009, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 15 January 2009, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 22 January 2009, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 29 January 2009, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 05 February 2009, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 12 February 2009, 08:30am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 19 February 2009, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 26 February 2009, 07:30am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 05 March 2009, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 12 March 2009, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 19 March 2009, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 26 March 2009, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 02 April 2009, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 09 April 2009, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 16 April 2009, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 23 April 2009, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 30 April 2009, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 07 May 2009, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 14 May 2009, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 21 May 2009, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 28 May 2009, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 04 June 2009, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 11 June 2009, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 18 June 2009, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 25 June 2009, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 02 July 2009, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 09 July 2009, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 16 July 2009, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 23 July 2009, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 30 July 2009, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 06 August 2009, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 13 August 2009, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 20 August 2009, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 03 September 2009, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 10 September 2009, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 17 September 2009, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 24 September 2009, 08:00am to 09:00am PT Thursday, 01 October 2009, 08:00am to 09:00am PT View event details: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/sca-bpel/event.php?event_id=19851 PLEASE NOTE: If the above link does not work for you, your email application may be breaking the link into two pieces. You may be able to copy and paste the entire link address into the address field of your web browser.
BEGIN:VCALENDAR METHOD:PUBLISH VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Kavi Corporation//NONSGML Kavi Groups//EN X-WR-CALNAME:My Calendar BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:MEETING STATUS:TENTATIVE DTSTAMP:20090820T000000Z DTSTART:20090827T150000Z DTEND:20090827T160000Z SEQUENCE:49 SUMMARY:Weekly SCA-BPEL telcon DESCRIPTION:Dial-in:\n18666824770\n+14087744073\n+44(0)2081181001\n+49(0)69222216106\n+353(0)12475650\n\nMeeting ID: 6100473\nMeeting password: SCABPEL (7222735)\n\nWeb-conf: http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/sca-bpel-TC\n\nGroup: OASIS Service Component Architecture / BPEL (SCA-BPEL) TC\nCreator: Dr. Anish Karmarkar URL:http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/sca-bpel/event.php?event_id=19851 UID:http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/sca-bpel/event.php?event_id=19851 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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