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Subject: [security-services] Re: [security-editors] Updated Issues List
Thanks for all your work on this doc Hal. > Hal Lockhart wrote: > > 21 new issues have been opened and marked in yellow. Some of them have not > been discussed for some months, but I did not want anything to drop through > the cracks. All new issues have a Champion designated. In some cases this was > an arbitrary choice on my part, but it should help us with getting things > closed, as the champions at least commented on the issue at some point. sounds good. > There were several open issues that it was recommended be closed, but I could > not find any official vote to do so. I will sweep these up in my > recommendations. ditto. One editorial comment -- the page headers still denote the doc as issues-06. I didn't spot this until after publishing it in the doc repository. JeffH
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