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Subject: Re: [set] Fixing the day of the SET TC meetings...

Dear Asuman,

effectively the 31 December is a rather special day ... in Italy many 
offices are closed for Christmas holiday.

Enea will be closed from 20/12/2008 to 06/01/2009 included, so we  will 
not be able to participate to the conference calls fixed in this period, 
I'm sorry.

Best regards


asuman@srdc.metu.edu.tr wrote:
> Dear Colleagues,
> Many thanks for the fruitful discussions we had today. We fixed the SET TC Meeting as the last Wednesday of each month. 
> For December this makes Dec.31, 2008. I will highly appreciate if you could kindly confirm your availability since this seems to be a rather special day.
> Thank you,
> Asuman

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