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Subject: Re: [tm-pubsubj-comment] ISSUE 10 - PSIs "name" "subject" and"description"

Steve Pepper wrote:

> At 15:38 24/04/02 +0000, Murray Altheim wrote:
>>> dc:subject is unnecessary on PSIs. We only need its equivalent
>>> on PSI sets. (See separate posting, on ISSUE 9, proposing to call
>>> this "keywords", to avoid confusion.)
>> Huh? I would have thought this one of the more *important* ones.
>> Why would we only want this on sets? Individual PSIs have a subject.
> Of course every PSI indicates a subject (in topic map terms). That's why 
> we have them. But what would it mean to have a metadata property called 
> "subject" on a PSI? What would be the value of that property?

You hit it on the nose. The PSI is in *topic map terms*. The only
reason to use Dublin Core at all is to hook into the DC semantics,
to allow non-TM tools a chance to play in the TM sandbox.

 From the DC element "subject":
 >  Name:        Subject and Keywords
 >  Identifier:  Subject
 >  Definition:  The topic of the content of the resource.
 >  Comment:     Typically, a Subject will be expressed as keywords,
 >               key phrases or classification codes that describe a topic
 >               of the resource.
 >               Recommended best practice is to select a value from a
 >               controlled vocabulary or formal classification scheme.
                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

The key here is "controlled vocabulary." If we're defining things
in a PSI set, it might be a good idea to connect it via an existing
controlled vocabulary, such as one found in a library system. Any
tools that are DC element set aware would "understand" the dc:subject
as such and process accordingly. It seems a shame to go to all the
trouble to make XTM/PSI sets ISO 11179 compliant and then leave out
dc:subject. Or maybe I'm getting this all wrong.

Now, OTOH, I did a preliminary PSI set for DC last year (I think it
is included in that pile of stuff I posted to this group) which
created PSIs for each of the DC elements. Then, an author could
scope a base name with the dc:subject PSI. That's how I'd planned
to use it, though there certainly may be better ways.


Murray Altheim                  <http://kmi.open.ac.uk/people/murray/>
Knowledge Media Institute
The Open University, Milton Keynes, Bucks, MK7 6AA, UK

      In the evening
      The rice leaves in the garden
      Rustle in the autumn wind
      That blows through my reed hut.  -- Minamoto no Tsunenobu

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