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Subject: [xtm-wg] [XTM-UCS] Re: What's next

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I pass on Ann Wrightson's reply.
Ann, where are the answers to the surveys, are they available for
independent analysis?
Thanks, Andrius Kulikauskas

"What's next?" is a good question. 

I agree with Patrick that extensive/comprehensive analyses have to be
out of
scope in our timescale. 
I believe that the categorization of XTM usecases which is emerging is
very useful; if we did no more as XTM-UCS that would be a good

I am very wary of taking any one usecase (or even a small set) forward
say a functional analysis, because that would load the XTM process with
specialized collection of precise requirements, which would probably
as extremely unhelpful "requirements bloat" on the overall outcome of
XTM process. (eg IMHO the XML Query activity is suffering badly from

So, let's give due value to the simple categorization of XTM uses which
now have, adding to those in my last email knowledge modelling and
of knowledge management (thanks to Steve Pepper for pointing out I
put this one in too). So here's a revised "XTM-UCS list" of
requirements on XTM maps:

1. Navigating complex content: XTM supports supplementary structure and
information providing specific support for applications providing
navigation/access functionality

2. Topical organization: XTM supports supplementary structure and
information encoding ontologies, taxonomies, indexes etc. 

3. Knowledge modelling: XTM supports supplementary structure and
providing specific support for knowledge management
4. XTM can "Interchangeably represent" (words from 13250) the structure
information in (1) (2) and (3).

Now I'm going to be controversial, possibly:

I have considerable confidence, both from my participation in the
modelling WG, and now further strengthened by the time I've spent with
usecase-survey material, that if XTM meets the abstract/conceptual
which we already have, it will be adequate for uses 1,2,3.
Therefore, there is no point muddying the waters with further detailed
requirements in these areas - we have good reason to trust what has gone
before, including the wide-ranging discussions which fed into 13250. 
So, let UCS now stress to the rest of XTM that the sole remaining task
is to
ensure that there is a well-designed, fit-for-purpose XML-technology
realization of the conceptual model - and let us also take care *not* to
skew the balance of the overall design by stressing any one specific use
above others.

Ann W.

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