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Subject: [xtm-wg] XTM marketing activities

(NB. Action items for Jean Delahousse and Graham Moore)

The authoring group discussed marketing activities in Swindon and
adopted a resolution. Since I was the one who captured it and didn't
have time to pass it on to Michel (who was taking the minutes), I
start by stating it here:

   That the marketing group be constituted immediately and consist of
   Dianne Kennedy (Infoloom), Pam Gennusa (Ontopia), Ramon Vincent
   (Mondeca), Jason Markos (Empolis), and others to be nominated from the
   AG's sponsoring organizations one pr. sponsoring organization.

   Immediate tasks:

   1) organize XTM day at XML 2000
   2) discuss how to raise money for marketing
   3) get a website up and running a.s.a.p.
   4) get representation for XTM on KT 2001 committee

   Any market research undertaken at the behest of the marketing group
   should be performed by an independent third party.

Jean and Graham: Could you forward this message to Ramon and Jason
respectively, and ask them to get in touch with Pam (pam@ontopia.net)
and Dianne (sgmldk@aol.com) to get the work started. Thanks.

Anyone else that wants to contribute within the terms stated by the
resolution is welcome to get in touch with Pam and Dianne as well.
This is urgent, because the agenda for XTM day needs to be finalized

Although it isn't explicited stated in the resolution, the charter
of TopicMaps.Org requires that the marketing subgroup report to the
Authoring Group.

Best regards,


Steve Pepper, Chief Technology Officer, Ontopia AS. (+47 908 27246)
Ontopia AS, Marcus Thranes gt. 6, N-0473 Oslo, Norway
http://www.ontopia.net/  phone://+47 22704500/  fax://+47 22704501/
direct://+47 22704687/  GSM/cellular://+47 90827246/

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