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topicmaps-comment message

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Subject: Re: [xtm-wg] Dynamic Generation and Serving of Topic Maps

* Nikita Ogievetsky
| If Topic Maps are expressed in XML syntax (which is the case of XTM)
| then TMQL can be "compiled" into XPath and XSLT (or XPathScript).
| As well as it can be "compiled" into Java, Python, C++, etc.  (using
| grove, dom, sax, etc. api)
| Whether it will be efficient is another question.

Well, the main question is why we should do something like this at
all.  Topic maps are *serialized* in XML syntax, which is something
very different from expressing them in the XML data model. Topic maps
have their own data model.

To put it another way: topic maps are only XML documents when they are
not in use.

--Lars M.

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