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Subject: Re: [xtm-wg] Dynamic Generation and Serving of Topic Maps

>| 2. I'd tend to favour your database based TM's, due to size, but
>| what XML based tools are there that parse from disk?
>I'm afraid I don't really understand the question. If you store your
>topic maps in databases you need three things:
>  - an import-from-XML capability (which can use an ordinary XML
>    parser)
>  - an export-from-XML capability
>  - means for accessing and modifying the topic map in the database

Sorry. Too terse. One of the issues with large xml objects in a server
based system is that they need to be loaded into memory to be parsed,
and then used by XSLT/XPATH/Xpointer.
Its always been this constraint that has caused a serious constraint
for middleware on large information bases.

Hence my concern that any serious XML based TM would similarly be
constrained by memory.

>XML-based tools don't enter into it, except in the import and export
>parts, which are crucial, but rarely used compared to direct access.

dp: I sincerely hope you are wrong here Lars. Otherwise whats the point
of using XML, if you cant take advantage of the tools being developed 
for XML?

>| Am I right in thinking that you envisage a whole suite of tools
>| specially for topic maps in an XML domain?
>Depends what you mean by 'you' and 'an XML domain'.  At this point I
>don't expect to be involved in any topic map project that uses XML for
>much besides import and export, and perhaps some auto-generation.

dp: I'd certainly concur about auto-generation. Surely most users
will be auto generating from some xml based source, at least for 
the basic topics?

Regards daveP

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