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Subject: [xtm-wg] referents, subjectRef and subjectDescriptorRef

Dear all,

> Following a lengthy teleconference we figured out how to solve in syntax
> the decision in Dallas regarding 'isSubject' and 'describesSubject'.
> an ongoing gummy bear competition to come up with better names for the
> two element types, <subjectRef> and <subjectDescriptorRef>, the idea being
> the names must be accurate and short.

I like the idea to abolish "referent" attributes and express referent-ness
via element names.

However I suggest even further simplification:
Currently (DTD v 1.14) <subjectRef> and <resourceRef>
seams to be duplicating each other.
they both
"provide a URI reference asserting a link to a resource "
The only difference between two elements
is that one of them is used inside <subject> element,
and means subject identifier,
and the other is used within <occurrence> element.
and means occurrence resource reference.

Note that when occurrence resource is reified,
resource itself (addressed by <resourceRef>) becomes its subject identifier
(what was expressed in earlier DTD as <subjectRef referent="isSubject">)

My suggestion is to use <resourceRef> in both places to mean "isSubject"
(This is what it turns into in any case when occurrence is reified)
In other words, use <resourceRef> within <subject> to assert
a link to a resource that is the subject of the topic.
And use <resourceRef> within <occurrence> to assert
a link to a resource that is an occurrence of the topic.

<resourceRef> always means referent="isSubject"
<subjectRef> can stand for referent="describesSubject"
(this is to replace a longer-named <subjectDescriptorRef> )
<topicRef > references an existing topic and because of topic duality
("topos" - means both a link and the described subject)
does not need "referent" semantics.
If someone wants to emphasis "referent-ness" of the link
one should use either resourceRef or subjectRef.

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