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Subject: RE: [xtm-wg] Notes of MARKETING committee teleconference

The notes of the XTM Marketing Committee of 16 November state:


>>- We recommend, for now, the creation of a TopicMap example based on
>>Daniel Rivers[Moore’s] suggestion of using Shakespeare (Hamlet) so that different
>>vendors can show the same map in different ways.


RivCom is in the process of preparing a TopicMap of Hamlet using Jon Bosak’s XML (http://metalab.unc.edu/bosak/xml/eg/shaks200.zip) as a source for all the occurrences.


We envisage that our work on this will be useful as a source for examples of various syntactic constructs in the XTM Specification. We will deliver sufficient topics, associations and occurrences to serve as illustrative material within the specification by editorial deadline of Wednesday evening. We will not require credit for this.


We envisage that our work will also be useful as a vendor neutral interoperability testing tool and showcase for vendors at Topic Maps Interest Day (4 December) and beyond. We will send out work-in-progress between now and the Interest Day and would welcome feedback from vendors and others as we move forward – this should be addressed to antony.scott@rivcom.com.


We would be very pleased if any vendors wish to make use of this Topic Map as a showcase for their products on the proviso that RivCom is credited when it is used.


The XML will include:


  <P>XML version by Jon Bosak, 1996-1999.</P>

  <P>The XML markup in this version is Copyright © 1999 Jon Bosak. This work may freely be distributed on condition that it not be modified or altered in any way.</P>


Topic Map will include words to the effect “The Topic Map is Copyright © 2000 RivCom. This work may freely be distributed on condition that it not be modified or altered in any way.”


Adrian Rivers



-----Original Message-----
From: Andrius Kulikauskas [mailto:ms@ms.lt]
Sent: 16 November 2000 17:43
To: xtm-wg@egroups.com; xtm-mktg@egroups.com
Subject: [xtm-wg] Notes of MARKETING committee teleconference

I volunteered to take notes of our conference call.  Here are my notes.
Andrius Kulikauskas

Main Decisions

- Paul Conn will set up an egroups poll.  We need to know who will be
there for the Special Interest Day, who can help with the Expert Panel,
User Panel, Walkthrough.  We also need to know who can help out during
the week. Contact Dianne Kennedy or Pam Gennusa.
- We've decided to save the "formal announcement" for Tuesday, when
there will be Standards Updates for all of the groups, and there will be
more press there.  On the Special Interest Day, we'll just change our
agenda so it's a "pre-announcement".
- Infoloom, Empolis, and Mondeca have agreed to sponsor at $2,500 each
for marketing XTM at the conference.  So we'll have a kiosk at the
pavillion, print out the spec, and have a poster and some printed
materials.  Having one more sponsor would make it possible to fund
everything we want for the conference.   Contact Paul Conn if you can
- Murray Altheim and Sam Hunting have been invited to be in the
marketing committee.  Jason Markos will contact them regarding the
website.  We wish to build on Murray's work.  We wish the website to be
"organic", revealing the activity behind the standard, it can be mostly
"unpolished" material.
- We've agreed to recommend use of the blue and green logo designed by
IdeaAlliance.  Jason Markos will notify the Authoring group of our
recommendation and ask that any objections be made within one day.
- Andrius Kulikauskas will ask Jack Park to put together main points and
quotes for our press release, to be written by Daryl Grecich of
IdeaAlliance.  As a backup plan, Andrius will do this himself.
- We recommend, for now, the creation of a TopicMap example based on
Daniel Rivers suggestion of using Shakespare (Hamlet) so that different
vendors can show the same map in different ways.


Jason Markos, jsm@empolis.co.uk   Acting Chair, Marketing Committee
Dianne Kennedy, kennedy@xmlxperts.com,  Pam Gennusa,
pam@gennusa.u-net.com, coChairs, Special Interest Day
Paul Conn, pconn@gca.org, IdeaAlliance, regarding sponsorship


I have written down the names of the participants
below.  In some cases I did not recognize the people's voices or
remember their names, I may have confused people, or left people out.
are just meant to capture the spirit of the conversation, they may be
inaccurate or misattributed.  Andrius Kulikauskas

Teleconference Participants

Paul Conn
Dianne Kennedy
Jean Delahouse
Jason Markos
Adrian Rivers
Andrius Kulikauskas
Kal Ahmed

Notes of conversation

Dianne: My concern is to get the program for Special Interest Day in
A suggestion was Sam Hunting for the walkthrough, and for the Expert
Panel: Eric Freese and Murray Altheim.
I was going to write to ask who could help, who will be at the Special
Interest Day.
Andrius: We could have an egroups poll.
Paul: I also want to know who would be there later in the week, and for
Dianne: There is an opportunity to participate in a kiosk.
Paul: The Idea Alliance pavillion.
Jean: How much does that cost?
Dianne: $3,000
Dianne: Hopefully we'll get at least four founding sponsors.
Paul: Right now we need to get
Jason: Empolis will at least commit to $2,500.  If we can work out the
money we need total.
Paul: We'll need $3,000 for the booth presence, and if we have more we
could produce brochures that we could hand out.
Right now I have Empolis and Infoloom at $2,500 each.  So we'll be able
to include TopicMaps in the Pavillion, and have a brochure and sign.
I'd like a decision on a logo.
Dianne: Is the marketing committee happy with making the decision?
Jason: The Knowledge Technologies flyer already has blue and green
(designed by IdeaAlliance).
Paul: But that was by accident.
Dianne: The blue and green will look good in black and white.
Jason: If you start with a blank sheet it will take a long time to
Paul: The different color emphasizes TM.
Paul: The decision was camel case.
Andrius: Do we agree on the blue and green?
All agree.
Jason: I'll contact Murray.
Dianne: His logo is much more complex.
Jason: Once I've spoken to Murray I will write to the Authoring group
that this is what recommending and we need to know if
there are any objections.
Paul: And the objections need to be received within one day.
Dianne:  Does anybody have an objection to moving the announcement
forward one day, when they will do press
announcements for all of the standard?
No objections.
Dianne: Then I'll do that.  I'll be in Europe starting tonight.  I have
to leave the call now.
Paul: The standards update on Tuesday will be for everybody, and that's
when the press will be there.  It would fit in with
everybody else's updates.
Jason: We need to get somebody writing a press release.  How has this
been done in the past?
Paul: If somebody from the group can provide the meat for the release,
and a couple of quotes from people, we can have our
people write the release.
Jean: What kinds of quotes do you need?
Paul: We need the important information to be put in the press release,
our marketing people can wordsmith it, but they don't
know what to say.
Andrius: I recommend Jack Park.
Paul: Can you contact him?
Andrius: I'll contact him and I'll do it if he won't.
Paul: The person is VP Daryl Grecich and his email dgrecich@gca.org and
(703) 519-8190.
Andrius: Poll for sponsorship?
Paul: Better that people contact me one on one.
Jason: So we have logo, press release, what about printing of the
specification?  What's the process?
Paul:  Assuming that we have the sponsorship, we may need more, we could
print up the specification and have it available at
the TopicMaps kiosk.  We could have a simple paper cover.
Paul: Four sponsors at $2,500 will let us do everything we want at the
conference.  I recommend that we focus on that right
now for this immediate need. This includes booth space at the pavilion. 
Andrius: If all they do is work the exhibit hall, do they need to pay
additional conference fees?
Paul: I can work something out, how we might do that.
Jean: Mondeca can $2,500 for this, and if we don't have to pay for the
conference, we can add $1,000 more.
Paul: After we get through this, the marketing committee needs to look
for long term marketing plan and sponsorship plan.
Jean: If we don't present the announcement in the afternoon, what will
Jason: Next is website. 
Paul: IdeaAlliance has a sample website.  Murray has volunteered to
build a website, apparently.  Where is that hosted? 
Michele has agreed to donate the TopicMaps.Org to a website.
IdeaAlliance could host it.  Part of the sponsorship we raise
could support that.  Our groups are self funding.
Andrius: Murray and Sam are going to split $30 a month to host it.
Paul: Website falls in domain of marketing committee, I would recommend
that Sam and Murray get brought into this process,
Jason could talk to them.  Decisions should be marketing decisions.
Jason: I'll talk to them both about our options and I'll come back.
Andrius: The simplest is to have them be in the marketing committee.
Paul: I just sent an invitation to Murray, and I'll send one to Sam.  We
need to get that website built because it will be
Jean: Can we make a link between TopicMaps.Org and what Murray has done
so people can.
Andrius:  Do we want brochure style site, or better a "guts" site.
Jason: I agree with the "guts", unpolished site.
Paul: No reason why there can't be a link that takes visitors into more
detail.  If you take a look at the IdeaAlliance website you'll see the
concept of simplicity where we put some basic information, we also have
some current news, press releases.
Jason: Why don't we agree to have Murray and Sam do a draft site so we
have something to criticize and move forward.
Paul: Have them host as well?
Jason: I'll discuss with them.
Adrian: If you need more input, Rivcom can help.
Andrius:  Dallas meeting - would like to have site be a topic map, but
then would favor a particular vendor.  So instead point to different
sites how they show the same topic map.
Jason: Can show map on the special interest day.
Andrius: I can't tell if there's too much work or not.
Jason: I'll talk to people who'd like to present.
Andrius: We should talk to who's doing the map - Steve Pepper or Daniel
Rivers (Shakespeare map).
Paul: I'll have to bow out.  I'll look at poster with logo, some
literature, from time perspective we'll do what we can in terms of how
glossy it will look, maybe just black and white.
Jason: Could you mail some proofs to marketing.
Paul: Yes
Andrius: Can we say that we recommend using Shakespeare?
Jason: Yes.
Adrian: Maybe find a business example.
Jason: In the short term we recommend a Shakespeare map.
Jean: We have a classical music one, but if we have time, we'll do
Adrian: Any vendor can have space on the website with their examples.
Any vendor can have space?
Jason: It would be a good way to help sell sponsorship. 
Kal: I just joined in.  Providing space won't be practical, and
providing a pointer won't have much value.
Jason: But this could be part of the sponsorship package.
Kal: Links on a page is easier.
Andrius: So, agreed, we're talking about links on a page.
Jason: Maybe there will be a sponsor page,and then  a link page for
anybody in the field.
Jean: I think we should separate between being sponsor and being linked.
Jason: Let's see what we can do in the short term.  Let's have
expectations at the right level.
Andrius: We'll build on what Murray has already done.  We can slap a
"cover sheet" on it and start having it as the
TopicMaps.Org site.
Jason: Yes, agreed.
Jason: We should speak in the next week as well.

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