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Subject: [xtm-wg] Re: XTM Tag Line

As a member of the Marketing Committee, and the person who brought the
tagline to our attention, and who proposed the vote... I took the
initiative to call Paul Conn - the person who brought up our need for a
tagline - to say that I think this process needs some direction so that
we get a clear answer.  

So we talked, and he agreed that I write this letter to help put things
in perspective.

When do we need a tagline?  He said it's OK for him if we have it by the
end of tomorrow = the end of Wednesday, Eastern time.

What's the status now?  There was a poll among several candidate
taglines, with a tie between two of them:
-  The GPS of the Web
-  Mapping the Web

Steve Pepper proposed:

  XTM: The GPS of the Web
  Knowledge maps for information management

Eric Freese has submitted:

> Per our charter para 3.3.1, I submit this to the participating members of the AG for
> consideration.
> As part of this motion I also move that the rule (para 3.3.2) stating a 7 calendar day
> period for non-face-to-face votes be suspended for consideration of this matter.
> As caller of this motion, I will tabulate the responses and report back to the list.
> A yes vote approves suspension of the rule and adoption of the tag line suggested by
> Steve Pepper.
> A no vote denies suspension of the rule and thus the adoption of the tag line suggested
> by Steve Pepper and defers to the results of the Egroups poll.
> Please respond to the list [ xtm-wg@egroups.com ] or myself [ eric@isogen.com or
> efreese@sprynet.com ] by 5:00PM EST.

This has precedence over any poll.
In the event of a "yes" vote, we're done.
I spoke with Eric, and he's agreed to extend the vote to 2:00PM EST
tomorrow=Wednesday.  Even with the extension it's not clear if he'll get
the required number of voters.

I'll add that Paul said he liked Steve's proposal, and it's not too long
of a tagline.  He also said that when we use taglines with the logo, we
won't include the "XTM".

Eric and I agreed on the following course.
I'll put up a new advisory poll.  We'll have four candidate taglines,
based on the input so far:

1) The GPS of the Web    
Knowledge maps for information management
2) GPS for the Information Universe
3) Charting the Web
4) Building knowledge

IF YOU CAN'T VOTE BY EGROUPS, please send your vote to Jason Markos,
jsm@empolis.co.uk, CC it to me, ms@ms.lt, and if you like, to the whole

The poll will be open-ended, and you can change your answers.  You can
vote for as many as you like.  (Note: your vote has more impact if you
vote FOR something, and NOT FOR other things ;) )  Discussion is very
helpful, but I would think most helpful if it compares the relative
merits of the candidates.

This will be an advisory poll to advise the Marketing Committee.  It
will only be relevant if there is Not a "yes" vote for Eric's proposal. 
In that case, it's purpose will be simply to advise the Marketing
Committee.  There is no cut-off date for the vote, it will be simply
whenever the Marketing Committee comes to a decision, but I encourage us
all to vote during the next 24 hours.

What have we achieved?  We've ended up with four candidates, each of
which has some support, and I think each of which is recognized as
preferable in spirit to what we started with: "Stylesheets for
Knowledge".  Each of the four candidates is reasonable.

We want to have a tag line, so we will need a decision.  Also, we want
the Marketing Committee to be active, and now it can make an informed
decision.  So it would be great if our vote sent a clear signal of our

We will do our best now, and if we can do even better in the future,
that's always possible.  Of course, the better we do now, the less
important that will be.

This is not a perfect process, but I think it's better than no process,
and it can deliver under our conditions. Not unusual for the XTM
process?  :)

I forgot to ask about the logo, so I can only presume that if we can
keep the above time schedule, we're OK, but if we can't, I don't know. 
Maybe Murray can put up the poll.


Andrius Kulikauskas
Minciu Sodas
+1 (773) 651-3785
in Chicago through December

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