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Subject: RE: [xtm-wg] topicRef to reference assocs as well as topics


  I am not sure whether some special treatment is
needed to make an association play in another

That is, what is wrong with:

<association id="EarthIsAPlanetOfSun" >

<association id="disagree">
  <member subjectIndicatorRef=#EarthIsAPlanetOfSun>
  <member topicRef=#another-topic>
>From syntactical point of view:
  association is "required" and subjectIndicatorRef
can be any reference, so no problem.

>From processing model point of view:
  the first association will have the
subject-indicator-resource property with the value    
  this_map#EarthIsAPlanetOfSun and since the other
association has a member refering the node with that
non-addressable subject, there will exist an
association member arc btw. the two a-node's for each
association. So, no problem.

And finally, conceptually, the statement is used in
another statement.

So, why do we need extra syntactical constructs etc?

Sengor Altıngovde
MSc. student

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