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Subject: [xtm-wg] RE: association : Type, Subject, Id, Reference

Thank you Michel for the clarification. I agree that creating a Topic "out
of" the Association yields somehow the same result that the
"associationSubject" I proposed, without needing a new syntactical term.

So I'll have :

<association id="EarthIsPlanetofSun"> etc ... as before

then :

<topic id="HeliocentricThesis">
     <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="#EarthIsPlanetofSun"/>
<!-- Tycho Brahe was not liking that at all -->
<association id="TychoDisagreesWithHeliocentricThesis">
      <topicRef xlink:href="#opinion"/>
        <topicRef xlink:href="#disagrees"/>
      <topicRef xlink:href="#TychoBrahe"/>
        <topicRef xlink:href="#thesis"/>
      <topicRef xlink:href="#HeliocentricThesis"/>

But Graham would like, if I understand well, instead of :

<topicRef xlink:href="#HeliocentricThesis"/>

a more direct :

<topicRef xlink:href="#EarthIsPlanetofSun"/>

getting *closer to closure* by treating <assoc id> the same as <topic id>
and at the same time making the economy of Topic <HeliocentricThesis>
even if such a Topic has enough importance to be created by itself in a
"history of ideas" scope.

But if I have to refer further on to "what Kepler said of Tycho Brahe's
opinion about the heliocentric thesis", direct refering to
<#TychoDisagreesWithHeliocentricThesis> would be fine instead of creating a
< topic id = "DisagreementOfTychoWithHeliocentricThesis"> etc

Why is not that possible ? Is it a conceptual deliberate choice to keep
some formal distinction between Associations and Topics, or a technical
impossibility ?

BTW at http://www.doctypes.org/xtm/1.0/#elt-association
in Shakespeare's example there is a little bug I have copy-paste twice in
my previous message :(
(at least  in the 1 Dec version I have off-line, maybe corrected since)

You have :
        <topicRef xlink:href="#role"/>

and again

        <topicRef xlink:href="#actor"/>

I suppose the last ones should read </roleSpec>

Good night everyone


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