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Subject: Re: [xtm-wg] Nomination for a new AG member -- Bernard Vatant

[jack writes]
> I therefore officially offer this nomination.  I look forward to a
> second and sufficient votes, preferably without the use of punched 
> cards :-) Since I am not much of a parliamentarian, I'll just 
> volunteer to count the votes if that's appropriate.  Someone else
> have to decide what constitutes a winning count.

I don't want to be a grinch (French readers: a mythical, evil beast
that "stole" Christmas) but I would like Eric Freese (our
parliamentarian) to rule on the following points:

(1) A minor point: In Montreal, the AG voted that "Consideration of
applications for Participating Membership will be deferred until after
December 2000." (http://www.doctypes.org/xtm/org/minutes20000823.html).
This is 2000-12-12. Does that matter? If it does, how do we change it?

(2) A major point: the bylaws (section 3.5.2, at
www.topicmaps.org/org/XTM-charter-final-20000610.html) specify that "To
be considered for Participating Membership, a person must have actively
participated in the two preceding face-to-face TopicMaps.Org AG
meetings in their entirety, or have previously served as a
Participating Member." Does Bernard qualify under 3.5.2? If not, Jack,
you might clarify what membership status you propose for Bernard.



P.S. Jack, I want to avoid a repeat of our Florida fiasco just as much
as you do, and therefore I want to be crystal clear on process, here,
in what is possibly our first e-mail vote on membership.

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     - Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations -->

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