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Subject: Re: [topicmapmail] Re: [topicmaps-comment] Notions have existence .....

Thomas said:
>  Isn't this just what the megeMap element is for?  So you can prevent
> inadvertent merges by assigning additional scopes to all the topics in
> to-be-imported map?

You can't assign scopes to topics, only to characteristics.  Steven has
repeated the mantra often enough...  And since subject
identification/indication is not a characteristic, it cannot be scoped.

You could assign scopes to track the origin of each association that ends
up characterizing the merged topic, but this still wouldn't tell you what
sources the topic was merged from and who (i.e. which topic map) asked for
the merging.  Of course, all this information could be represented in
another implementation-dependent layer, but isn't a big goal of topics
maps that they be able to represent all related information?

        -- P.

  Piotr Kaminski <piotr@ideanest.com>  http://www.ideanest.com/
  "It's the heart afraid of breaking that never learns to dance."

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