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Subject: Re: [topicmaps-comment] topicmaps.org namespace,and ISO 13250 XTM ( Re: referring to a topic from outside a TM )

"Bernard Vatant" <bernard.vatant@mondeca.com> writes:

> So, what I would like to see on topicmaps.org home
> page is a clear message saying that ISO is now in
> charge of all TM specification process, that XTM DTD
> is now part of ISO 13250, along with a reference to a
> stable URI where ISO 13250 is published, including
> HyTM and XTM in a single place. But there is an issue
> - What is the authority enabled to make that decision
> now?

> [TopicMaps.Org] has an owner, a technical host, a
> webmaster, an editor ... BTW all four different
> entities ... but no one of those is in position to
> pretend to be the publisher.

> Hope you better understand my concern.

You're right.  I missed your point.  Oops.  Sorry.

For whatever it may be worth, I agree with what you're
saying here.

Even if there's no applicable authority, we can still
improve the situation a lot, and I don't think it will
be very difficult to do it.

I suggest we propose a message that will be shown to
people who arrive at the website.  This message can be
extremely simple.  If anyone objects to anything in it,
change it until nobody objects to it, and then submit
it to the current webmaster (somebody at OASIS, right?)
over the signatures of the owner, the technical host,
and the editor.  Once that's done, and if we have done
it right, we can forget about it.  

Let me be more specific.  Basically, I think what we
need to do is to insert an on-arrival page at
www.topicmaps.org that says, 

  "Everything's still here, unchanged since Moses
  descended from Sinai, but you might want to look in
  the following places for the following things
  instead, since the materials at this site are
  becoming increasingly obsolescent as the ISO and
  OASIS processes move forward.

  [insert a list of links here] 

  Click *here* to enter this site anyway."

Does that make sense?

-- Steve

Steven R. Newcomb, Consultant

voice: +1 972 359 8160
fax:   +1 972 359 0270

1527 Northaven Drive
Allen, Texas 75002-1648 USA

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