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Subject: Re: [topicmapmail] Re: [topicmaps-comment] topicmaps.org namespace,and ISO 13250 XTM ( Re: referring to a topic from outside a TM )

* Steven R. Newcomb
| Let me be more specific.  Basically, I think what we
| need to do is to insert an on-arrival page at
| www.topicmaps.org that says, 
|   "Everything's still here, unchanged since Moses
|   descended from Sinai, but you might want to look in
|   the following places for the following things
|   instead, since the materials at this site are
|   becoming increasingly obsolescent as the ISO and
|   OASIS processes move forward.
|   [insert a list of links here] 
|   Click *here* to enter this site anyway."
| Does that make sense?

It makes sense as a stop-gap solution to fix a very embarrassing
situation, but not as a long-term solution. (I'm not sure which of
those you and Bernard propose.)

topicmaps.org (the domain) is a prime piece of internet real estate,
and it should not be left to rot. Instead, it should become a
clearing-house of topic map-related information. Even if it were just
limited to describing the activities of TopicMaps.Org (the confusingly
named members section to-be) that would be much better than just
letting it stale.

Lars Marius Garshol, Ontopian         <URL: http://www.ontopia.net >
ISO SC34/WG3, OASIS GeoLang TC        <URL: http://www.garshol.priv.no >

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