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Subject: Re: [topicmaps-comment] mapping topic maps on a relation database

I wrote

> A while ago, I experimented with Touchgraph, too.  I wrote a stylesheet
> turned an xtm topic map into the Touchgraph XML syntax.  I pasted that
> the TG source view page.  It worked like a charm.  It could handle more
> 5-40 topics OK, but when you got up to hundreds, it was a bit hard to work
> with.  You have to get clever about expanding and limiting the view, but
> really does work.
> I was able to make the Opera topic map work this way, but it took a lot of
> patience to get TG to do enough layout so you could see enough to start
> working with.  Not really practical for general use as is, but it's very
> stimulating because it's so close to what one would want.
> In case anyone wants it, I've attached a zip file  containing my xslt
> stylesheet and the TG-format Opera topic map.  To load the map, bring up
> as an app, get the source view up, then delete the xml that's there and
> paste the new xml in.  When you close the source view dialog, TG will go
> work showing the new graph.
> When it's first layed out, all the objects will be on top of each other.
> Just drag one with the mouse and layout will start.  I highly recommend
> experimenting with a small map before trying out Opera.  Opera will work,
> but it takes patience and experience to learn how to expand it, move
> and limit the display depth so you can see things.  But truly, it is
> possible.
> Oh, yes, this was with TG1.20.
> I normally don't include atttachments, and I hope you will excuse me in
> one case.

I remember something to know if you try using the stylesheet to make
Touchgraph-format files.  The output file marks most of the nodes
"invisible", and, depending on how the topic map is lined together, you may
not be able to expand the graph from the one visible node.  If that happens,
just edit the xml file, changing one or two more nodes to be visible.  That
should be enough to let the map display ond organize itself.

You can always change the stylesheet to make every node visible, but I found
that can be hard to deal with for a large map.

Once you get a good layout you can save it for next time.


Tom P

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