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Subject: Re: OASIS Step-up Authentication spec to ITU-T

do we need a call this week to address this?
hint: there's a correct answer.

Peter Alterman, Ph.D.
Chief Operating Officer
SAFE-BioPharma Association
cell: 1-301-943-7452

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On Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 10:01 AM, Chet Ensign <chet.ensign@oasis-open.org> wrote:
Good morning Peter & al, 

Jamie, you are correct. Neither of the process steps have happened at this point. Looking at my records, I see that Abbie contacted us June 8 about submitting the OS to ITU. 

Peter, as Jamie says, we'll be happy to help with the terms of submission document. After that is approved by the TC, you then assign the Special Majority Ballot to me using the request form at https://www.oasis-open.org/resources/tc-admin-requests/request-a-special-majority-vote-to-approve-submitting-an-oasis-standard-

After that ballot, I'll start the public review of the terms of submission and we'll move it forward from there. 

Jamie, let me know how I can help out. 



On Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 12:55 AM, Jamie Clark <jamie.clark@oasis-open.org> wrote:
Peter, thanks, and I apologize for any unclear communication here.  As noted in some private and public threads, and our published rules, the next step that must be taken, after the approval of the OASIS Standard on 25 May, is for the TC to provide a submission request document (a specific write-up as described in those rules), and then initiate a special majority ballot to approve it and the request.  

I will defer to Chet, who is the official keeper of process matters, but I don't think either of those things has happened yet.

TCs generally draft the request document themselves, but as I said earlier today, we'd be happy to help accelerate the process by doing it for you.  Staff can do so over the weekend, if you wish, which would allow the TC leadership to check it quickly, make any tweaks, and then ask Chet to start the required approval ballot this next week.

We will assume that's how your team wishes to proceed if we don't hear differently. 

Kind regards    Jamie 

Sent from my mobile 

On Thursday, July 6, 2017, Peter Alterman <palterman@safe-biopharma.org> wrote:

I think the point Abbie has been trying to make is that we (and he in particular) have been asking OASIS management to move this forward for months with no discernable momentum despite the hoops we have gone through to satisfy the process requirements. Now we get another iteration of the process spiel.  I think one of us is missing the point.


Peter Alterman, Ph.D.
Chief Operating Officer
SAFE-BioPharma Association
cell: 1-301-943-7452

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On Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 4:01 PM, Jamie Clark <jamie.clark@oasis-open.org> wrote:

We understand that the Trust Elevation TC, consistent with its prior informative notices to ITU-T SG17, is interested in submitting its Authentication Step-Up Protocol and Metadata v1.0, which has been approved as an OASIS Standard:




The process for submitting an OASIS Standard to an external SDO is described in our Liaison Policy, and summarized in this message.  For the full rules, see:




Written submission requests are prepared, to use as the official proposal subject to the public review period for members (described below), so the best first step is to draft that submission request, and approve it in the TC’s submission ballot (also described below).   Your TC’s intent already is clear from the prior Liaison Statements sent to ITU-T, so the default submissions terms that we've used in the past with ITU should work well here.  We’re happy to supply a draft request for you, or you may draft one.  (The form of request is defined in paragraph 2 of the rules.) 

Here are two recent successful examples from other TCs (although these happened to be submissions to JTC 1 rather than ITU):


https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/49373/Submission%20for%20international%20standardization.pdf (for AMQP)


https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/53050/Submission%20request%20for%20international%20standardization.docx (for OData)


The TC then asks TC Admin to start a Special Majority Vote ballot, to request that its OASIS Standard be submitted to an external SDO.   (This is clause 1(c)(i)(B) of the rules.)   Upon its successful conclusion, OASIS staff has 15 days to confirm the approved written submission request, and start a public notice period to OASIS members.  Here are examples of that OASIS member review notice:





That comment period remains open for 30 days, after which management sends the submission to ITU (or would, if needed, work with the TC to fix any major flaws noted in the review period).


During that review period, we also will work with the TC leadership to draft the cover letter to ITU (sometimes called an “explanatory report”) that will accompany the submission, and serves as a general introduction for the benefit of ITU parties reviewing the submission.


Please feel free to contact either Chet Ensign or me with any questions.  We’ll also be happy to join your scheduled TC meeting on July 20th for questions, if you like.  However, I believe a special majority ballot also could be initiated earlier, if the chairs wish to initiate one with Chet based on an e-mail confirmation by the TC.  

James Bryce Clark, General Counsel
OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society

EU Commission 2017 Plan for Open ICT Standards: http://j.mp/EUstds2017
Cybersecurity standards at RSAc 2017:  http://j.mp/OASIS2017RSA
OASIS Borderless Cyber NYC:  http://us17.borderlesscyber.org/en/

James Bryce Clark, General Counsel
OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society

EU Commission 2017 Plan for Open ICT Standards: http://j.mp/EUstds2017
Cybersecurity standards at RSAc 2017:  http://j.mp/OASIS2017RSA
OASIS Borderless Cyber NYC this week: http://us17.borderlesscyber.org/en/


Chet Ensign
Director of Standards Development and TC Administration 
OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society

Primary: +1 973-996-2298
Mobile: +1 201-341-1393 

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