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Subject: [ubl-ndrsc] Agenda for 19 June 2002 UBL NDR SC meeting

Agenda for 19 June 2002 UBL NDR SC meeting

NOTE the new phone numbers and meeting time below!

The NDR SC will meet by phone on Wednesday, 29 May 2002, at 
11:30am-1:30pm Eastern Daylight Time:


The NDR SC portal was last updated June 11:


Please use the following dial-in information:

     Toll-free (from the U.S.)         +1 888 422 7141
     International access/caller-paid  +1 334 832 4208
     Participant code                  242-630

NDR SC agenda:

1. Roll call (quorum is 8)

2. Acceptance of minutes of previous meetings

    22 May 2002

    29 May 2002

    3-6 June 2002

3. Adoption of agenda (please send suggestions *before* the meeting)

4. Brief reports from other SCs]
    - Primarily LC SC this week

5. Collaboration with Library Content SC
    - Using containership as a concrete example
    - We hope Mike Adcock will join us for this topic

6. Schedule planning
    - Near team: code list rules document by when?
    - Tentative plan is to meet October 1-4 (Tue-Fri)
    - Our deadline for distribution #3 would be approx. September 20
    - What should our standard for position papers be?
    - How should we be handling comments?

7. Action item review
    - Review V04 of design rules and Gunther's script for new issues.
    - With Gunther, add *Type/*ContentType info to the NDR document.
    - With Eve, submit NDR topic to XML2002 by June 15.
    - With Bill, incorporate CCTS feedback metamodel into the
      Relationship with CC section of NDR doc.

    - Add list of future work to portal.
    - Cancel current NDR SC telecon reservation. DONE
    - Set up CM SC telecon and explain CM Phase 1 idea to Matt/Bill.
    - Extract code list chapter and finish it (see list of issues below).
    - Write a code list FAQ.
    - Do an analysis of the supp-components-of-supp-components problem.

    - Bring up code list recommendation to the liaison SC.
    - Submit topic on building the UBL community to XML2002 by June 15.

    - With Arofan/Matt, submit Context Meth topic to XML2002 by June 15.

    - Submit UBL tools/techniques topic to XML2002 by June 15.
    - Revise Dates/Times paper.
    - Revise facet paper?
    - Write content referencing paper.

    - Update modnamver.
    - Revise role model paper?

    - Write up concern about importing indirectly so that Bill can
      research the issue?
    - Forward the latest version of the xCBL versioning paper?

8. Prioritize next batch of work:
      A = must be done by September 20 (or sooner)
      B = nice to have by September 20
      C = optional

      NDR document improvements
      Embedded documentation
      Code lists
      Updating guiding principles
      Nested supplementary components
      Local vs. global elements
      Wildcards/open content
      Dates and times
      Fixed vs. varying types
      When to build up deep type hierarchies
      Referencing of content, e.g. for attachments
      Identifier references and whether to pass content by reference
      Aggregation of similar information for XPath V1.0 addressing
      Tag structure
      (Are we missing obvious others?)

9. Embedded documentation
    - My personal choice for top-priority item that we can fit into this
      phone call!
    - Does XHTML Basic have the <div> tag?  Is this a good choice?
    - How shall we name the documentation labels in CLASS=?

10. Code list issues
     - If we can fit it in!
     - Known issues:
       . Add non-normative info about RNG code list schemas?
       . What to say about locally scoped code lists?
       . Should code list modules declare elements too?
       . What should documentation labels be?

11. Adjourn

Eve Maler                                        +1 781 442 3190
Sun Microsystems                            cell +1 781 883 5917
XML Web Services / Industry Initiatives      eve.maler @ sun.com

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