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Subject: Re: [ubl] Groups - UBL 2.0 Working draft 3 spreadsheets (UBL 2.0WD3.zip) uploaded - comments

A few comments on the spreadsheets (so far):

1. i thought we agreed to structure the 'common' spreadsheet to be 
sorted into 'no specific business process', 'procurement' and 
'transportation' rather than one alphabetic list.  If so, it is easily 
sorted before publication.  Can we confirm what we plan to do?
2. in the 'Address' ABIE we have BBIEs for 'Attention Of' and 'Care 
Of'.  The CCTS does not allow the use of prepositions (of, for,etc).  
Thats why we had to change it to 'Mark Attention' and 'Mark Care' in the 
Party ABIE.
3. in the 'Address' ABIE the BBIE 'City SubDivision Name' is also 
illegal.  'SubDivision' cannot be a Property Term (with the inner 
Uppercase) it should be 'Subdivision' (like the 'Subentity' later on).  
Only initial characters can be Uppercase.  'SubDivision' would imply two 
words, 'Sub' and 'Division'. So we could have 'City Sub Division Name', 
but i don't think thats what we meant.
4. in the ASBIE between 'Billing Reference' and 'Document Reference', 
did we mean to change the cardinality of the 'Additional' Document 
Reference to 0..1 - shouldn't this remain at 0..n?
5. The ABIE 'CatalogueItemSpecificationUpdateLine' should come before 
'CatalogueLine' (alphabetic order)
6. The ABIE 'Communication' should come before 'Consignment' (alphabetic 

I thought we also discussed not using 'GUID' or 'UUID' but just 'Unique 
Identifier' - - when did we decide to change all GUIDs to UUIDs?

plb@itst.dk wrote:

>Dear all
>Here is the spreassheets for the working draft 3 version of UBL 2.0 
>There are things that must be taken into considoration
>1) Which qDT to use
>2) There are inconsistency in the usage of "Property Term Possessive Noun"
>and "Property Term Qualifier"
>Hopefully GEFEG will soon be able to generate schemas.
>Kinf regards
> -- Peter Borresen
>The document named UBL 2.0 Working draft 3 spreadsheets (UBL 2.0 WD3.zip)
>has been submitted by Peter Borresen to the OASIS Universal Business
>Language (UBL) TC document repository.
>Document Description:
>The UBL 2.0 spreadsheets after the resolvement of the 1th public review
>View Document Details:
>Download Document:  
>PLEASE NOTE:  If the above links do not work for you, your email application
>may be breaking the link into two pieces.  You may be able to copy and paste
>the entire link address into the address field of your web browser.
>-OASIS Open Administration

tim mcgrath
phone: +618 93352228  
postal: po box 1289   fremantle    western australia 6160
web: http://www.portcomm.com.au/tmcgrath

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