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Subject: Re: [ws-caf-editors] Issues remaining

It seems to have been resolved by previous votes, but that's fine with me.

Mark Little wrote:
We may need to vote on closing issue 59 though.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Greg Pavlik" <greg.pavlik@oracle.com>
To: "ws-caf-editors" <ws-caf-editors@lists.oasis-open.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 9:28 PM
Subject: [ws-caf-editors] Issues remaining

I reviewed the bug db and the minutes from the F2F.

I believe I have to work out issues 59 and 91. My feeling is that issue
59 is now defunct -- the sequence diagram was mainly intended to capture
the interaction between the Context Service and the Activity Lifecycle
Service. I am working on text for 91; in addition, I am going to
incorporate the addressing proposal we approved at the meeting, and
improve on the example as per Bryan's suggestion. Depending on
commitments I have at home, I may be able to do this tonight.

On open items remains: to capture the logical request-response exchange
in tabular form to provide normative rules for callback messaging; this
is actually quite important because it allows us to express a complex
message exchange pattern without reference to a specific message
addressing scheme. WS-MD supports this scenario, while WS-Addressing
does not to my knowledge. The issue was raised by Peter. Any takers on
I wanted to make you guys -- and this is more for the chairs then for
the editors -- that WS-Reliability is adopting our open content proposal
for message addressing/service references. We may want to make this an
agenda item on Monday.




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