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Subject: Re: [wsbpel-spec-edit] [Fwd: Re: a follow-up on BPEL XML Schema fileplacement]

Hi all,

www-124.ibm.com has been up again.

As discussed with Paco and other editors before,  I extracted the 3 XML Schema files from the word doc (Rev 1.19) and made some typo in the main XSD file and added some very minimal versioning annotation into the 3 schema files. And, I uploaded to the CVS repository:


Hopefully, that will serve as our point of truth during our editing cycle.

Also, I create a subdir for Issue 24 Working Area:


It contains two files: (1) XSD file with some basic Issue 24 annotation (2) a text file briefly explaining the annotation.

Please note that is the just beginning of the work for Issue 24.  We (especially Paco and me) still need to put more cycles into it for finishing Issue 24.


Alex Yiu

Alex Yiu wrote:

Hi all,

Just FYI ...
www-124.ibm.com (IBM OSS CVS site for BPEL) has been down for the last 2 days.


Re: a follow-up on BPEL XML Schema file placement
Alex Yiu <alex.yiu@oracle.com>
Fri, 19 Mar 2004 11:30:55 -0800
Francisco Curbera <curbera@us.ibm.com>

Hi Paco,

It looks like the website is down for some reasons.

I am not sure I got the chance to checkout the latest version of the spec.
So, Paco if you have internal access to the CVS (not through www-124.ibm.com), please go ahead to extract the schema from the spec.

Meanwhile, please notify the corresponding team in IBM to fix the issues in www-124.ibm.com. So other people and I can at least see the latest schema and the spec and continue to participate in Issue 24 and other editing sub-group activities. :-)


Alex Yiu

Francisco Curbera wrote:


Any luck? Maybe I can try to checkin the files if you mail them to me.


                                                                                                                                                            Alex Yiu                                                                                                                               <alex.yiu@oracle.        To:       Francisco Curbera/Watson/IBM@IBMUS                                                                  com>                     cc:       Alex Yiu <alex.yiu@oracle.com>, Diane Jordan/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS                                                               Subject:  Re: a follow-up on BPEL XML Schema file placement                                                   03/18/2004 02:35                                                                                                                       AM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Hi, Paco,

Thanks for giving me the call this afternoon.

It seems to me that www-124.ibm.com is down for some reasons ... for both
CVS and Web access and for both inside Oracle firewall and outside Oracle
(my own personal Cable Internet connection with my network router)
There is a web interface:
And there is the "real" cvs location:

I was able to check out the specification folder through CVS just one or
two days ago.
Please let me whether this problem is specific to me or it is a generic
issue to that machine.


Alex Yiu

Francisco Curbera wrote:

     Good, I will give you a call.


                           Alex Yiu

                           <alex.yiu@oracle.        To:       Francisco
                           com>                     cc:       Alex Yiu

                                                    Subject:  Re: a
     follow-up on BPEL XML Schema file placement

                           03/17/2004 01:32



     Sure ...
     How about 12pm PST / 3pm PST?

     My office number is: 650-506-4522
     My cell number is: 408-368-0448


     Alex Yiu

     Francisco Curbera wrote:


           Maybe we can discuss later today to plan what we need ot have
           ready for


           f2f. I am available before 4pm EST.



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