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Subject: Re: [wsbpel] Issue - 166 - Does atomicity in assign imply variable locking?
Hello Yaron: >You assert that variable locking is irrelevant to the BPEL >>programming model. I am "asserting" that one does not need to resort using variable locking to describe the atomicity of assignment. >I don't understand how this assertion can be defended >given the example <http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/wsbpel/200409/msg00361.html>.> >If there is no variable locking then it is possible for the >>assign statements in the example in the linked message,>lets call them A and B, to execute as follows: > Assign A - Read in counter value > Assign B - Read in counter value > Assign A - Increment counter value and write > Assign B - Increment counter value and write Sorry I don't agree with this statement. You are not describing an atomic operation: atomic operations are indivisible. Since assign is atomic, then I feel the following is a more accurate, but simplified description of what happens: Assign A - Read in counter value. Increment counter value and write.Assign B - Read in counter value. Increment counter value and write. > If we don't specify that assign requires isolation semantics I think atomic assign operation is much more of an issue .... and a challenge for the BPEL engine implementer. BPEL engine implementers probably won't have the luxury of dealing with data structures that have support from atomic operations in a lower layer (i.e., the hardware). Cheers, Andrew
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