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Subject: Fw: agenda for Sept 21
- From: Diane Jordan <>
- To:
- Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 00:01:14 -0400
The next call of the WS BPEL TC will
be on Wed. Sept 21 at 8 am Pacific. Dial in info is: USA & Canada
Toll Free Number: +1 866 500 6738, Pass code: 600345, All Others (toll):
+1 203 480 8000, Pass code: 600345. We will also have access to LiveMeeting
- see the calendar entry for more info on accessing it.
Here is a brief summary of decisions
from the Sept 13-15 face to face meeting. See document with motion
text or meeting minutes for details on resolution/discussion.
51 – proposal passed with amendments
227 – closed no change
169 - proposal passed with amendments
142 - closed no change
4 - closed no change
88 - proposal passed with amendments
6.2 - proposal passed with amendment
– “part b” serial needs to be resolved
6 – closed no change, mark revisitable
174 - proposal passed that multiple
imports should be allowed. This will be included in edits for 88.
217 – new description accepted and
issue opened
222 – opened and proposal passed that
a message cannot be received if it does not match the stated correlation
223 – opened defer till 221 resolved
123 – previous resolution rescinded
Work in progress
207. 216, 226: Dieter agreed to work
on spec language reflecting decisions/discussion from this meeting
197 – can close after 125 is done
195 – wait on WS-I
191 – Danny to work on proposal to
120, 120.1 – Satish to work on proposal
123 – partial resolution adopted, Satish
to work on complete proposal
125 – Yuzo and Alex to work on proposal
110 – Yaron to send proposal discussed
in meeting
Proposed agenda for next meeting:
- Nomination/volunteers to take minutes for this call
- Roll call/determine quorum
- Review/accept minutes from previous meetings - Sept 7 and Sept
- Review agenda
- Review results of f2f meeting
- Discuss timeframe for next f2f meeting
- Subgroup reports as available
- Specification Editing status
Review/approve latest version as Committee
- Issue discussion. Note we will follow the agreed to process of
limiting discussions of any issue on calls to no more than 30 minutes at
the end of which the person who made the motion can choose to table to
next meeting or force a vote (without requiring 2/3 majority to stop discussion).
Those who want to continue to discuss need to go off line to work
the issue. At next meeting progress should be reported – or issue
will go to vote with original proposal. If issue goes to a vote process
starts again as above. If results of offline discussions result in
amended proposal to vote, the new proposal should be provided to the TC
in advance of voting meeting.
Proposals to vote
- 82.3 - if updated proposal received
- 82.2
- 120.2
- 6.4
- 11 – proposal to close with no change
made at f2f and tabled
- 6.2 – “part b” - should the resolution
be extended so that the completion condition applies to serial as well
as parallel for each
Motions to open new issues
- 228 - motion made at f2f
Discuss 193 per f2f discussion
Long running issues
-> issue 9: deferred pending inclusion
of 84 in spec
-> 99: defer pending 82.3
Agenda for next meeting
New business
John Evdemon and Diane Jordan
WS-BPEL TC Co-chairs
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