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Subject: RE: [wsrp-interfaces] State change in getMarkup?
-----Original Message----- From: Carsten Leue [mailto:CLEUE@de.ibm.com] Sent: Monday, August 19, 2002 8:50 AM To: interfaces Subject: [wsrp-interfaces] State change in getMarkup? One issue I would like to bring up again (maybe just as a clarification for me) is the ability of an entity to modify state in getMarkup. If I remember correctly be decided that an entity should not be able to modify conversational state in getMarkup, primarily for the reason that we want to be able to write a stateless consumer. Such a consumer would need to know all of the conversational state of all portlets on a page before it streams any markup to the client (because the consumer wants to encode the state in the URL). 1. What about the sessionID? Currently we allow getMarkup to return a sessionID. Wouln't a stateless consumer need to encode this ID also in the client URL? How could he do so if it might change in getMarkup? <AK> You mean "simple" consumer, right? I don't think we have a scenario for a consumer that would be incapable of returning the session ID to the producer. Even the simplest consumer would have to be able to do this. </AK> 2. JSR168 does not prevent portlets from modifying state in the service method (the getMarkup equivalent). How does this match with WSRP? <AK> I thought getMarkup was more of a match for the render() phase of the service method. Portlets can modify state in the prior two phases, performAction() and prepare(). </AK> Best regards Carsten Leue ------- Dr. Carsten Leue Dept.8288, IBM Laboratory Böblingen , Germany Tel.: +49-7031-16-4603, Fax: +49-7031-16-4401 ---------------------------------------------------------------- To subscribe or unsubscribe from this elist use the subscription manager: <http://lists.oasis-open.org/ob/adm.pl>
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