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wsrp-interfaces message

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Subject: RE: [wsrp-interfaces][wsia][wsia-wsrp joint interfaces] Agenda fo rTuesday 20 August

1.  Proposal for an XFORMS-based property description schema.  Attached Charlie's email of 8/14 for details.
2.  Continue discussion around entities we started last week, in terms of typical portal use case.  This could also impact further discussions later in the week regarding the model.
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--- Begin Message ---
Title: [wsrp-wsia] Property background material for 11:00 Eastern WSRP interfaces call

Folks--here's some background material on the property interfaces and
description notation we want to discuss during tomorrow's WSRP interfaces
call.   Also attached is the initial draft of how Customization in WSIA
will make use of these interfaces.  For tomorrow's discussion, the "Entity
property examples" are the most relevant to look at...

Charlie Wiecha

(See attached file: entity-property-examples (cfw).doc)(See attached file:


Attachment: entity-property-examples (cfw).doc
Description: MS-Word document

Attachment: wd-wsia-cust-00.doc
Description: MS-Word document

--- End Message ---

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