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Subject: Groups - Interfaces concall modified
Interfaces concall has been modified by Mr Michael Freedman Date: Thursday, 29 June 2006 Time: 08:00am - 09:00am PT Event Description: 1-888-967-2253 or +44 118 924 9000 (Europe) meeting ID: 345337 passcode: 060606 Agenda: 1. Discuss Interface priorites (Subbu) Based on 1) we will reorder the following 2. Consumer generated event UIs (Stefan) 3. SessionProperty proposal (Rich) 4. Supporting Complete Portlet Rendering via getResource (Mike) 5. Supporting 3 phase lifecycle with Ajax (Subbu) Minutes: 1) On priorities: It was felt that we don't have too many topics that we need to formally set priorities. Rather we decided to alot equal time as needed to each topic until we see the load gets too great. 2) Consumer generated event UIs: as Stefan wasn't on the call this item was deferred for a future meeting. 3) SessionProperty proposal: initial discussion centered on the Event aspect -- with a discussion that led to us asking whether a formal sessionPropertyChanged event might allow us to more easily express all the needed function (explain the updateCoordinatedState event, etc)? We also discussed the issue related to state changes in getMarkup. This expanded the discussion to the other two parts of the proposal. When we touched on Consumer managed shared state the issue was raised concerning the difficulty in making this a required feature however the suspicion it lacks value (to the portlet developer) if it can't be relied on. Rich noted the items during the discussion and will update the Wiki page with the specific issues that were raised/clarified. Please see the page for the details. 4a) Ajax: Support Complete Portlet Rendering via getResource We had a brief discussion that continued from the previous meeting. We went through the 3 possible semantics for the consumer managing navState in a getResource. General preference was for option 1 -- not allowing getResource (in its URL) to impact navState. I continued to express however a concern that this limited the ability of those chosing to use portlet defined ajax too much. 4b)Ajax and the 3 phase protocol: Subbu summarized his use case for supporting Ajax within our 3 phase protocol and promised to submit a detailed proposal soon. 5) Should the next Interface concall in 2 weeks be converted into a general TC call? We decided NO. Instead our agenda for the next concall will be to work through the Public review comments to see if we can build consensus ahead of the TC call the following week. 6) Should we increase the frequency of our concalls? We decided NO. However we will increase the calls to 1.5 hours equally split between two topics. The collection of topics will be rotated through in an ongoing basis. 7) Interest in defining/supporting new CSS classes? Rich raised a question based on internal comments that new CSS definitions are needed. He wanted to know if this is something we thought was needed/be acceptable. We decided he would post a public review comment and we can pursue the discussion from there. 8) Move up the October F2F by a day? For scheduling reasons Rich prefers the F2F start on a Monday vs. a Tuesday. He wanted to hear if that caused hardships. None were expressed. View event details: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsrp-interfaces/event.php?event_id=12030 PLEASE NOTE: If the above link does not work for you, your email application may be breaking the link into two pieces. You may be able to copy and paste the entire link address into the address field of your web browser.
BEGIN:VCALENDAR METHOD:PUBLISH VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Kavi Corporation//NONSGML Kavi Groups//EN X-WR-CALNAME:My Calendar BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:MEETING STATUS:TENTATIVE DTSTAMP:20060629T000000Z DTSTART:20060629T150000Z DTEND:20060629T160000Z SEQUENCE:4 SUMMARY:Interfaces concall DESCRIPTION:1-888-967-2253 or +44 118 924 9000 (Europe)\nmeeting ID: 345337\npasscode: 060606\n\nGroup: WSRP Interfaces SC\nCreator: Mr Michael Freedman URL:http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsrp-interfaces/event.php?event_id=12030 UID:http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsrp-interfaces/event.php?event_id=12030 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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