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Subject: Re: [wsrp-markup] [wsrp][markup] Aug 14 Conf Call Agenda

Chris - comments in <cl> tags.

Best regards
Carsten Leue

Dr. Carsten Leue
Dept.8288, IBM Laboratory Böblingen , Germany
Tel.: +49-7031-16-4603, Fax: +49-7031-16-4401

|         |           Chris Braun      |
|         |           <cbraun@silverstr|
|         |           eam.com>         |
|         |                            |
|         |           08/13/2002 07:45 |
|         |           PM               |
  |                                                                                                                               |
  |       To:       WSRP-Markup <wsrp-markup@lists.oasis-open.org>                                                                |
  |       cc:                                                                                                                     |
  |       Subject:  [wsrp-markup] [wsrp][markup] Aug 14 Conf Call Agenda                                                          |
  |                                                                                                                               |
  |                                                                                                                               |

 Wednesday August 14, 12:00PM EDT                               
 To join this conference:                                       

For quick access, go to https://bowstreet.spiderphone.com/27914907
(This link will help connect both your browser and telephone to the call)

OR dial 1 (866) 633-2978 or +1 (646) 485-9300 and enter 2791 4907

Markup members,

Here is the agenda for this weeks conference call.

Items to be covered:
1. Resource URLs
    a. Proxy Resource URL
        i.  Versus Portlet Entity Resouces
        ii. Multiple Resource Locations

portlet may have references to resources residing on different hosts as
well as relative reference to resource residing on the producer host.  Do
we require that all resource locations be fully qualified?

Given a more complex producer, this issue can be handled by the producer
container.  Where as the prducer container always generates fully qualified

Other possibility is to allow the producer to provide a base URI.  This
base URI will be used by the consumer to identify the fully qualified
location by appending the resource location to the base URI when the
location is not fully qualified.

    b. Portlet Resource URL
        i. Do we need another URL type to distinguish between proxy and
portlet entity resourses.  Such as wsia:urlType=resource and
        ii.  Is there a new method signature for the interface, such as
getResource() ?  Or is this embedded in the getMarkup call?
      <cl> My suggestion would be to embed it in the getMarkup call. This
would be semantically identical to JSR 168.</cl>

2.  Attachments
    a.  Soap Vs. Dime
        - Soap Dependency
        - Effect on WSDL Binding info
        - Implementation Specific?
      <cl> See the last not with Richard Cieply's analysis I sent around.
We'd rather need to decide:
            - do we want to standardize the interface only or interface and
            - if we define both we need to define the attachment type as
well. I would suggest to use DIME in that case.

    b.  Where is the attachment embedded for both a response and a request
(i.e. interactionContext, interactionResponse, markupContext,
<cl> Attachments are a sort of overhead, I would suggest to only use them
when the element to transfer is large. This is the case for the returned
markup and the input stream. </cl>

Postponed topics

- Window States
        Can portlet entities render action links which change window state?
      <cl> yes, see JSR 168. They can also modify the portlet mode. This is
something that is currently missing in the URL encoding in the spec. </cl>

- Button and Label consistency across portlets
        How can configuration interfaces maintain a consistent look and
verbiage across entities.  For example when saving customize information
should buttons read "apply" or "save".
      <cl> In the latest spec draft I suggested that the portlet can embed
predefined resources in the markup, like OK and CANCEL buttons. We can add
APPLY and SAVE as well. It would then be the responsability of the consumer
to replace these placeholders. </cl>

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