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Subject: FW: [xacml] Feedback: My presentation at CSI Annual 2007 this week

OASIS would be happy to create an XACML XML.org Focus Area, similar to the ones
we're working on now for SAML and BPEL, and the existing ones for DITA,
OpenDocument, UDDI, and ebXML. The sites serve as online communities where
everyone is welcome to register and contribute content.

XML.org Focus Areas feature a Wiki Knowledgebase of collaborative pages on
topics related to using and understanding an OASIS Standard. They also
incorporate sections for:
* company press releases, announcements, and news articles 
* schedule of upcoming conference presentations, webinars, training classes,
* products and services listings
* directory of links to white papers, slide presentations, case studies, and
other materials
* testimonials
* blogs
* forums

Funding to create and maintain XML.org Focus Areas is provided by corporate
sponsorships. Content oversight is handled by a TC or a subset of TC members.

If you're interested in discussing this further, I'd be happy to provide more
details on an upcoming TC call or schedule a separate call--whichever makes
sense for the TC.


Carol Geyer
Director of Communications
+1.978.667.5115 x209 

-----Original Message-----
From: Anil Saldhana [mailto:Anil.Saldhana@redhat.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2007 11:28 AM
Subject: Re: [xacml] Feedback: My presentation at CSI Annual 2007 this week

I also want to mention that there was a presentation from Abbie (cannot 
remember 2005 or 2006) that basically answered the confusion about SAML2 
and XACML2, that I found online (did not use the material in my 
presentation as I saw it after I delivered).

This is the reason why I felt the need for a Focus Area for XACML (just 
like the one being done for SAML) that can group together presentations, 
articles etc.

Anil Saldhana wrote:
> Hi all,
>  I had a presentation at the Computer Security Institute (CSI) Annual 
> Conference 2007 in Washington DC on Tuesday (Nov.6). [1]
> Title: *Robust Web-Based Security Using OASIS SAML and XACML
> *There were lot of curious folks out there who wanted to learn more 
> about SAML 2 and XACML 2.
> There were some folks who were confused with the role of SAML2 in 
> XACML2 and whether there was a dependence on SAML2 for XACML. Plus can 
> SAML2 do its own authorization etc.  I think we have to do a better 
> job at educating folks about these questions (I know the answers and 
> have told the attendees).
> Regards,
> Anil
> [1] https://www.cmpevents.com/CSI34/a.asp?option=C&V=11&SessID=5757
Anil Saldhana
Project/Technical Lead,
JBoss Security & Identity Management
JBoss, A division of Red Hat Inc.

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