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Subject: RE: [xliff] Tool for validating XLIFF files released

Hi Rodolfo,

Great tool! Thanks for doing this. It should help having many tools generating better XLIFF documents.

A couple of early notes:

=== I get a message "* XLIFF namespace not declared." With the file Test01.xlf. The document has a namespace declaration, it's just
using one without prefix. (<xliff version="1.2" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">).
Maybe the message could be changed to something less alarming (some users may thing they need to do something, even if the file
passes the checks).

=== It seems the validation of the root is not allowing a prefix.
For example Test01.xlf returns the error " Selected file is not an XLIFF document."
While it is a valid XLIFF document.


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