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Subject: Re: [xri] comments on Expires

Guys, I realize I'm stepping in near the end of this thread, but isn't one of the core problems here, that Patrick was bringing up, the use of the word "validity"? I mean, it confuses even me to say that when the document expires, it's not longer valid, because if I think of XML validity, that's obviously ridiculous.

But if by "valid" we mean what Scott intends - the contents can no longer be presumed to be authoritative -- then I think if we are going to use the word "valid" we should spell that out.


On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 4:02 PM, Nika Jones <njones@ouno.com> wrote:
Okay, after thinking about it a bit, I realized that I was confusing the
XRD 1.0 spec with the XRI Resolution 2.0 spec on grounds of what SHOULD or
SHOULD NOT be done. The two are different types of specs.

I agree (again :) that something as simple as, "The document is no longer
valid after the date in <Expires>" WOULD work.


> On Jan 13, 2010, at 3:22 PM, Nika Jones wrote:
>> I'm in agreement with the discussion on the Expires element being a
>> superset of validity, with some somewhat strong language stating that it
>> should not be ignored.
> Well I think that's actually the question.  Is it enough to say that a
> document is "no longer valid" after the date indicated in <Expires>?
> Scott seems to think so, and I'm inclined to agree.
> What does it mean to say that it "should not be ignored", as you indicate
> above?  Unless we're actually going to instruct implementations as to what
> they SHOULD or MUST do with an expired XRD document, and I'm not sure that
> we should do that.
> -will
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