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Subject: Re: [xspa] Draft meeting minutes June 12, 2013

Hi all - forgive me butting in but I can give you some answers to some of the questions... 

"Mike: I know healthcare people who are not necessarily members of OASIS.
Mohammad: We can invite them as guests for presentations etc.
Carl: The challenge is whether or not the information they share is covered by the intellectual property agreement. Jane from OASIS can help publish invitation for use-cases and support outside the TC. We can contact Jane.
Mohammad: I will do that."

Here are a three ways you can do that: 

- Invite them to join OASIS (:-> - ok, that was a little self-serving...) 

- You can hold informal info share sessions that are *not* official meetings of the TC. The way we generally counsel TCs to handle this is to arrange a time to talk, send around an email to members letting them know that this informal session will be held on such and such a date and time but do *not* put the event on the TC calendar, take roll call, vote, etc. It is just an informal gathering of interested parties outside of the TC itself. 

Doing it this way means that nothing can be considered a 'contribution' in the OASIS sense of the word. Yes, that means that nothing they share is covered by the TC's IPR commitments either. But there is little likelihood of trouble from that. They aren't likely to share anything with patents on it and you all are unlikely to filch copyrighted material from them or anything like that. 

- Invite them to provide any material that they *are* willing to contribute via your xspa-comment@ mailing list. If they give you written content through that channel, it is considered covered under the IPR mode. 

"Mike: HL7 can also help. There is agreements between HL7 and OASIS but we have to make sure what the protocol is."

OASIS does have a formal liaison with HL7. I know the Emergency Management TC people are in touch with HL7 on one of their projects. The best person to ask how to make use of that is Jamie Clark -  jamie.clark@oasis-open.org



On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 10:23 PM, Mohammad Jafari <mjafari@edmondsci.com> wrote:

Please find the minutes for today's meeting below and let me know if anything needs to be corrected.


Minutes for 12 June 2013 TC meeting.
Started at: 1:05 pm EDT

Kel Callahan (Voting Member)
John Davis (Voting Member)
Duane DeCouteau (Voting Members)
Mohammad Jafari (Chair)
Carl Mattocks (Voting Member)

Quorum reached (%100 of voting members)

1. Roll Call & Agenda Review.

2. Volunteer to take minutes.
Mohammad: Since there are not many people on the call I can take minutes myself.

3. Approval of minutes from previous meeting (May 15th 2013):
Kel moved and Carl seconded. Unanimously approved.

4.      TC Call Time:
No objections to Wednesdays 1 PM ET every 4 weeks.

5.      Introducing new work items and the leads:

**Profile Updates:
Mike: We need to add more features and new attributes (e.g. attributes for user clearances) and take out the specific vocabularies and refer to HL7.
Mohammad: For the XACML profile we need to update to XACML v3.0. How about the implementation guides?
Duane: The main updates are to the profiles and attributes. Implementation guides are reference material and of secondary importance.
Duane: There is a new use-case for enforcing consent directives. The policy (consent directive) is carried as part of the XACML request and the PDP evaluates the request against the given policy. This is useful for policies that are dynamically generated such as the case of consent directives.
Mohammad: This mechanism is also important for the performance of policy lookup when there is a large number of policies; if the policy is referenced within the request context, the PDP does not need to check all the policies to find the ones that are applicable.
Kel: Is there anything else as part of CDA that must be considered in this TC. The alignment with CDA is important.
Mike: We can consult HL7 people about this.

Mohammad: Do we have anyone in the TC who can inform us about non-US healthcare exchange use-cases?
Mike: We can ask people in XACML and SAML TC.
Mike: I know healthcare people who are not necessarily members of OASIS.
Mohammad: We can invite them as guests for presentations etc.
Carl: The challenge is whether or not the information they share is covered by the intellectual property agreement. Jane from OASIS can help publish invitation for use-cases and support outside the TC. We can contact Jane.
Mohammad: I will do that.
Mike: HL7 can also help. There is agreements between HL7 and OASIS but we have to make sure what the protocol is.
Mohammad: I will contact Jane.

Duane: The changes are not too daunting.
Mike proposed September as a tentative deadline. No objections.
Mohammad: Not including the standard cycle and the ITU ballots.
Mohammad: I will compile a list of action items.

Moved by Duane and seconded by Mike. Unanimously approved.
Meeting adjourned at 1:40pm EDT.

Next call on Wednesday July 3rd at 1 PM EDT.

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Chet Ensign
Director of Standards Development and TC Administration 
OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society

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