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election-services message

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Subject: Anonymity, Secrecy, Privacy


This is interesting. I don't think I've heard this distinction before, so 
let's see if I correctly understand what you are saying 

(+) For anonymity, there is no link between voter and ballot. Or, if there 
is one at some point in the voting process, it is destroyed before the 
voting process is concluded.

(+) For secrecy, there may or may not be a voter/ballot link. If that link 
exists, however, it is not revealed - thus the ballot remains secret.

(+) For privacy, at a polling place, *who* is voting may be known, but 
*how* they vote is kept private.

You seem to be saying that the important thing is that ballots be kept 
*secret*, regardless of whether or not they are *anonymous*.

IMO, *secrecy* and *privacy* are more or less synonymous when it comes to 
how they're used with regards to electronic voting (ignoring what *privacy* 
means in a physical polling place, since that's beyond our scope).

However, as you seem to suggest, *anonymity* is only one way to implement 

Any thoughts?


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