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election-services message

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Subject: Audit Trail Requirements

The most recent postings on Audit Trail Requirements are ....

Michael Zolotarev 
Krishna Sankar 
Jason Kitcat 
Kevin Broadfoot 


I completely agree with Jason that e-voting should not be viewed as being 
synonymous with e-commerce (i.e. financial transactions). As Jason 
suggests, the former is based on secrecy/anonymity, the later on 


Concerning what Kevin is saying about secrecy and anonymity, I think both 
approaches need to be allowed for in the audit trail requirements. Some 
voting systems will maintain secrecy, but not anonymity. Others will 
maintain both.

I'm quite sure that some jurisdictions *require* anonymity. So, in these 
cases, there needs to be assurance that it is not possible to connect a 
voter with his/her ballot by accessing data in the audit/log files. In 
these cases, it would not be a matter of simply keeping parts of the 
audit/log files encrypted/secret. It would be a situation where the data 
would need to not exist in the audit/log files in any form - encrypted, 
decrypted, whatever.


Concerning unique audit trail requirements for voting systems, I think I 
can come up with some ideas/material for this. I'll put some thought into 
it and report back.


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