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Subject: Re: &

> This thread raising DAML+OIL was reassuring to see in this
> context, and Sean's added ref. to WebONT.

I try to mention DAML+OIL/Semantic Web/RDF as much as I can, although Manos
has to take credit for this particular thread about it.

> Which EARL (the second one?):
> EARL  Electronic Audit Research Log
> EARL Enhanced Address Recognition Logic

EARL - the Evaluation And Report Language

> Which FOPL?
> FOPL Forty-One Hundred Port Log (USCG)
> FOPL Frequency of Primary Line

First Order Predicate Logic.

> And this makes better design sense, to build upon those
> standards "classes" which multiple ontologies can inherit
> and extend, e.g. RDF Schema & Model, [...]

Yep. It's a basic design axiom. q.v. [1]

> Following above, this would furnish the HumanML syntax matrix
> for inherited and extending ontologies.

"Syntax matrix": ah, that's a new synonym we can use!

> > [...] There are some neat> Semantic Web hints and tips that
> > can only really be learned from doing, and that often involves
> > messing it up once or twice. I'm currently in the process of
> > writing down some of these hints and tips.
> Will these hints and tips be made available to this list and/or the net?

They will, of course, be available on the World Wide Web. Indeed, a
pre-release version already is. I'll send you the URI to you off list if
you request it.

> I did think I understood QName and local name resolution for
> namespaces (at least from the XSLT and XPath perspective of
> addressing and transforming them), and so I'm having to confess
> a little uncertainty about which "model" you mean the
> namespace/QName is not preserved in . . . the DOM?

The RDF model, of course.

> That doesn't make easy sense either b/c QName, local name and
> namespace (as an @ value) are addressable nodes.

They're addressable, but they're not preserved in RDF when one converts
from the syntax to model. Try it: parse some RDF, and tell me where the
namespaces or QNames are in the resulting set of triples. There aren't any,
because the syntax is just there to encode the model, and model consistes
entirely of resources, which may or may not be identified by URI
references. That doesn't stop one from identifying a resource which
corresponds to a QName or namespace, but it does mean that the QNames in
the syntax simply vanish. They're not relevant to the model, and the model
says nothing about them.

> So, as noted above, I'm gonna go ahead and be the "duh,
> um, uh - I don't get this" guy on this list.

Hey, that's my job.


[1] http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/Semantic

Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
@prefix : <http://webns.net/roughterms/> .
:Sean :hasHomepage <http://purl.org/net/sbp/> .

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