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humanmarkup-comment message

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Subject: good bye

I was interested in working within this group before the tragedy.  The fact
of this kind of tragedy has long been predicted, and there will be others to
come.  With a shallow IT and a funding mechanism that will not address core
issues (for example as related to using gesturing as part of the message)
then America and the democratic countries around the world will be hit and
hit again unexpectedly by those populations of people who are in dispare.


It seems that I am not understood in my message.

A "Pribram-Hameroff-Penrose Viewpoint" mentioned in the BCNGroup Charter is
not a

"theory of human everything ,expressed> in HumanMarkup <that> is really
rather embarrassing to read" - as Mr Gardner has claimed.  He him, sadly
shake my head and wonder why such comments must occur.  Mr. Gardner, just
why are you embarrassed?  The theoritical work that I put forward has
everything to do with how human's use their biological memory systems and
anticipatory systems to make sense of the world.  It is not a perfect
theory, but YOU HAVE NO THEORY do you?

The Pribram-Hameroff-Penrose Viewpoint is a view of the current science in
perceptual physics, cognitive neuroscience and from massive work on the
problems of vetting intelligence through the digital structures of the
Internet.  The notions of state-gesture pairing, mentioned in the work I
referenced here, are related to a choreographing of behavioral actions.

I do not understand this response from Mr. Gardner....  and ask that his
insult to my work be censored.  I just can not imagine that SUN Microsystems
would have people like this working in this area.


If there is no concern for a deeper theory of behavior within the
HumanMarkup process, then this is more of the same.  The topic maps (XTM)
dialog is similarly poisoned by the type is behavior that is expressed by
Mr. Gardner.  How can a community address an issue like knowledge
representation when there are leaders in these communities that insult the
science in such a profound way.

I expected differently...  and apologize for speaking in this forum.

I withdraw for the forum to let you do what ever it is that you where doing.

Any one wanting to have a positive discussion about issues of science, is
welcome to seek me out.

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